Hey! This is currently... still a placeholder

Eventually this will have links to any accounts that are, actually, me. Likewise anything I make I want to claim ownership of, will likely end up listed here.

For the moment mainly reading Dorley, Clarkesworld backissues, and way too much documentation. Listening to mostly Rezz and Subtronics, complextro and melodic dubstep. Yes, this is barebones :3

Current WIP's (for my own reference):


Anyway, I'm a backend dev who tries to avoid HTML and CSS like the plague - so this might stay pretty poorly formatted, for a WHILE. Executive function is the major gate, if you don't know who this is nothing posted here is intended to change that. ADHD is disabling, please @ me in discord/[other platforms I'm on that I'm not confirming here] to get ahold of me! This includes just saying "hi" or in conversation, I'll probably miss general replies - so never hesitate about directly messaging or replying to me in channels/blogs, it's super helpful!